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  1. Eusbius of Caesarea, Denho Alohoyo (The Divine Revelation) 4:6.
  2. Isaiah 45:1 - In Hebrew Meshiah from which the word "MESSIAH" in English is derived; from its Greek translation "CHRISTOS" the name "CHRIST" in English is derived, (See the New American Bible, Saint Joseph edition, 1970, P. 870).
  3. Acts 11:26.
  4. The pronounciation of (C) varies in different languages. This is the case, here, with the name of Cyrus. In some languages (C) is pronounced as (S); while in others it is pronounced as (K); just as is the case with the name of St. Cyril of Alexandria.
  5. Manna, Eugene, Aramaic Dictionary, P. 488. Also, Philip Hitti, History of Syria, Vol. I, PP. 184-185.
  6. Hitti, Philip, History of Syria, Vol. I, P. 63.
  7. Jerome, Illustrious Men, Chapter I, Also Leo of Rome, Epistle to Anatolius of Constantinople, 451 A.D. Also Cardinal Baronius, Chronicle, concerning the years 42-43 A.D. Moreover, the Church of Rome celebrates on February 22, the festival of the establishment of St. Peter's See in Antioch.
  8. Neal, Patriarchate of Antioch, P. I. Also see our work; History of the Syrian Church of India PP. 25-27.
  9. Survey of the See of Antioch at the end of the Sixth Century, attributed to the Melkite Patriarch Anastasius; the Syriac est. Version was found in the church of Basubrina, Turabdin, written in the middle of the seventh century A.D., a copy of which is preserved at the patriarchal library in Damascus. See also Ibid., History of the Syrian Church of India, P. 27.
  10. Patriarch Aphraim I, Barsoum, al-Durar al-Nafisah (Church History) Vol. I PP. 340-341.
  11. Patriarch Mar Michael the Great, History, PP. 321-322. Also Bar Ebraya, Ecclesiastical History, Vol. I, Cols. 220-233.
  12. John Bishop of Ephesus: Lives of the Eastern Saints, Vol. 2, P. 479.,
  13. Ibid, al-Durar al-Nafisah, PP. 568-569.
  14. Abu Nasr Yahya Ibin Jrair of Tigrit, al-Murshid, chap. 54.
  15. Al-Qalqashandi, Subhul-Aasha, Vol. I, P.139.
  16. Chronicles of the (Unknown) Edessan, Vol. I. P. 182.
  17. Some of the reliable sources stated that their number was more than 7000. See the Epistle of the Maphrian Maroutha of Tigrit to the Patriarch John II, in the History of Mar Michael the Great, P. 426, and the Ms Biography of St. Mathew, and the biography of St. Behnam in Vol. 2 of the (Acta, Martyrum Et Sanctorum) Paulaus Bedjan's edition, and see also : Poem by Abi Nasr of Bartley concerning St. Mathew, and the testimony of Mar Michael the Great P. 489.
  18. Patriarch Aphraim 1, Barsoum, Syriac Literature and Sciences, P. 509.
  19. Chabot, J. B. (ed.) : Documento Syrorum PP. 209-224.
  20. Patriarch Aphraim I, Barsoum, Lectures, at the American University of Beirut, 1933, P. 30. Also Gorum Vartabed's the life of St. Mesrob.
  21. Some of the historians regarded him as John III.
  22. Ibid, Mar Michael the Great, P. 422, Also Unknown Edessan, Vol. I, PP. 263-264, Also Bar Ebraya, ibid., Vol. I, Col. 275.
  23. Ibid., Syriac Literature and Sciences, P. 402.
  24. Armalat, Ishaq: Melkites, P. 104, as stated in the Dictionary of the Holy Bible by Vigouroux, PP. 132-133.
  25. See the sources of the Doctrine of the Church concerning the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption, in the History of the Syrian Church of Antioch by the Author, Vol. I. PP. 33\05-307.
  26. Gieseler's Compendium of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. I, P. 391.
  27. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, Vol. 19, PP. 409-410.
  28. See the references in the History of the Syrian Church of Antioch by the Author, Vol. 2, PP. 35-36.
  29. Ibid., PP. 40-42; see also the 12 Anathemas of Cyril.
  30. Ibid., PP. 44-50.
  31. Ibid., PP. 52-56.
  32. Ibid., P. 60.
  33. Ibid., P. 60; see his two Epistles to Acacius Bishop of Malatia and Aulogius, Priest of the church of Constantinople.
  34. Ibid., PP. 63-65. Also the Acts of the Second Council of Ephesus in Syriac. In these Acts is found the petition of the Church of Edessa against hiba, wherein it is said: "No one accepts him who is the friend of the Jews".
  35. Ibid., P. 80; also the Acts of the Second council of Ephesus.
  36. Ibid., PP. 81-85; also the Acts of the Second Council of Ephesus.
  37. Ibid., P. 106; also Chronicles of Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. I, P. 147.
  38. Jerasimus Masarra, History of the Schism, Vol. I, P. 234.
  39. Ibid., Gieseler's compendium of ECC. History, Vol. I, P. 408.
  40. Acts 20:28.
  41. I. Cor 2 : 8.
  42. Ibid., Mar Michael the Great, P. 218.
  43. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. I, P. 185.
  44. Ibid., John Bishop of Ephesus, Lives of the Eastern Saints, Vol. I, PP. 26-27.
  45. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. I, P. 233.
  46. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 8, P. 815, New York, 1915.
  47. Ibid., Mar Michael the Great, P. 186.
  48. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. 2, PP. 19-20. Also Mar Michael the Great. P. 253. See Also Yusuf al-Dibs, Maronite Bishop of Beirut, History of Syria, Vol. 4, PP. 314-315.
  49. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. 2, PP. 39-40.
  50. Epistle of Mar Philoxenos of Maboog to the Monks of Cenon Monastery.
  51. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. I, P. 185.
  52. Monrath Qudshe" (the Lighthouse of Mysteries) section 4, Part 6, Ch. 3.
  53. Ibid, Jerasimus Masarra, Vol. I, P. 278, Beirut edition.
  54. Ibid. Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. I, PP. 211-213.
  55. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 8, P. 113, New York, 1915.
  56. Ibid., Mar Michael the Great, PP. 259-260. Also Bar Ebraya, Ecc. History. Vol. I, Col. 187.
  57. Epistle of Mar Philoxenos of Maboog to the Monks of the East as in Documenta Syrorum by J.B. Chabot, P. 260.
  58. Ibid., Mar Michael the Great, PP. 266-267.
  59. Epistle of Mar Philoxenos of Maboog to the monks of Cenun Monostery. See also Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. 2, P. 62, and Chronicles of John of Ephesus, Vol. 3, Bk. 1, Ch. 41.
  60. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. 2, P. 62, and Chronicles of John of Ephesus, vol. 3, BK. I, Ch. 41.
  61. Ibid., Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. 2, P. 76 and Mar Michael the Great, PP. 271-273.
  62. Ibid., Yusuf al-Dibs, Vol. 4, PP. 432, 434.
  63. Ibid., John of Ephesus: Lives of the Eastern Saints, Vol. 2, PP. 490, 499, 500, and 584.
  64. Ibid., PP. 502-503.
  65. Ibid., PP. 494, 504.
  66. John of Ephesus: Chronicles, vol. III, P. 930. See also "Dafaqat al-Tib" by the Author, PP. 34-35.
  67. Concerning this matter see the History of the Syrian Church of Antioch by the Author, Vol. 2, PP. 309-312.
  68. Ibid., PP. 246-248. See also Zacharia the Rhetorician, Vol. I, PP. 233-235.
  69. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 8, P. 813, New York, 1915.
  70. Ibid., P. 814, See also Monophysitism of Severius by Fr. Joseph Lebon, and "al-Hujaj al-rahinat" by Bishop Clemis Yusuf Daoud, P. 155, and Nahj Wasim" by Bishop Gregorius Jirjis Shahein, Part I, PP. 17-18.
  71. Asad J. Rustum, the Church of the city of God Great Antioch, Vol.I, P. 371.
  72. Ibid., Yusuf al-Dibs, Vol. 4, P. 512.
  73. Ibid., Mar Michael the Great, PP. 235, 238.

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